The World, This Wall, and Me
Recording Link
Part of the Trans Voices Series — This song begins in a transgender woman's dream. The post-transition female is sitting with friends with her back to the dreamer, who is still presenting as male in the dream. The female turns to the young woman and smiles at her. In this moment, the young woman understands that, no matter the struggle she faces, everything will be okay. Musically, the song moves along with a sense of urgency after an introduction featuring the tenors. Arriving at the middle, the choir sings "I will not let fear become my beacon!" And finally, the young woman is able to come out, and the choir sings "Now I can see you in all your wondrous colors." Also about how we use walls when we need to, this is a fitting reminder that it is okay to take the time we need to heal.
Copyright Year
Product ID
HL 00394993